Intuition can save your life – and your health
Did you know intuition benefits your health? You might have heard stories about people who “just had a feeling” that literally saved their life, perhaps by alerting them to danger before it happened or providing a split-second decision that prevented serious consequences. Naturally, preventing serious injury (or even death) is beneficial to health. However, intuition […]
Being the Light
I remember when I was in residency years ago there was a patient I had who had a stroke. She called the office from her stroke rehabilitation center and was speaking to our nurse as I was busily seeing patients. The nurse came and asked me to come chat with the patient on the phone. […]
Betrayed or Betrayer?
A while back a man who had heard me speak on a podcast reached out to me via my website. He learned of my recent stroke and said something that struck me- “you must feel so betrayed by your body”. I did, I was mad at my body. After all we had been through […]
Choosing (Self) Love Over Pride
Most of us have been in arguments with people we love that we have to decide- do we continue fighting or do we let go of our pride and end the argument, choosing to return to a loving state instead. How many times though have we really had this internal conflict where we choose pride […]
Permission Slips
The other day I was talking to one of my friends who told me sometimes we need to write ourselves “permission slips”. I thought this was an interesting concept as I am struggling to allow myself to not try to be productive 100% of the time, to not cry or get frustrated, to just […]
The Blessing of a Stroke
It is rare as an adult in our careers that we are extended any sort of prolonged sabbatical from our lives to re-evaluate if we have chosen to follow a path that suits us. I, like many, have now for years have tried to find happiness in chasing after “the American Dream”. I have, […]