Should a patient’s personal care team, including nutritionists, physical therapists, trainers, or any other professionals need help ordering pertinent labwork, devices, or other management, patients can make a 15-minute appointment after approval by Dr. Taylor.

See the details below,

The provider should first reach out with the contact form to create a relationship with Dr. Taylor and if request is appropriate, wht patient schedules a 15-minute appointment to establish care and fulfill requests. The benefit of pursuing this option is possible insurance coverage of labs reducing cost significantly.

Appointments are $100 per 15 minutes.

Items considered include:

*ALL of the above will be reviewed by Dr. Taylor before being released and appropriate medical treatment will be pursued should it be necessary prior to other providers.

Steps to Follow

1. Nutritionists, physical therapists, trainers, or any other professionals reach out to Dr. Taylor via contact form. After discussing, office staff will email patient to make 15 minute appointment

2. The patient will make a 15 minute appointment from the scheduling link

3. Orders Placed

4. Should results be abnormal, the patient has the option to follow up with Dr. Taylor or their personal physician after results reviewed by Dr. Taylor.