Rachel Reinhart Taylor MD


Mind. Body. Soul.

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Rachel Reinhart Taylor MD .

Dr. Rachel Reinhart Taylor is a board-certified Family Medicine Physician with an emphasis on Mind-Body and Functional Medicine. She believes in whole-body holistic care, taking time to listen to the patient to best understand their needs and health.

Additionally, Dr. Reinhart Taylor works with a patient’s personal care team including but not limited to: nutritionists, physical therapists, trainers, specialists, or any other professionals that are important to the patient. Should a patient desire comprehensive care, she is able to refer to a network of trusted providers with whom she regularly coordinates care. She personally consults with specialists to coordinate and ultimately provide the best care for her patients.

She has served as a featured contributor to a variety of healthcare platforms, including several published papers and articles detailing the science behind the importance of Mind-Body Medicine. She is well versed in the science of how methods such as breathwork, yoga and body movement, meditation, and energy work can actually improve physical health. When the mind is healthy and supported, the body is positively impacted as well.

Through the integration of Mind-Body with more traditional Functional Medicine, she aims to create an environment that she calls a “no judgment zone”. She is open to methods a patient would like to integrate into their healthcare. While she believes that medications are sometimes a necessary part of well-being, her goal is to help her patients achieve optimal health with the lowest dose of medication for the shortest amount of time.She combines the most effective modern, natural and alternative treatment methods to meet your primary care needs.

“When I decided to practice medicine, it was because I wanted to help heal people and help them to live their best lives. I have found that the best way to achieve that is to meet people right where they are and truly listen to their individual journey. From there, I partner with them toward achieving their health and wellness goals.”

How to Live Your Best Health

Are you looking for new ways to become your healthiest self? You’re not alone, and the good news is that the way to take back your health and life is not as hard as you think.

It seems like everyday there are new recommendations for things to do and things to consume in order to be a healthy individual. It’s an expensive and never ending cycle. You try to keep up, but sometimes you wonder: “Is what I’m doing really working?”

Enough is enough. No more fads. No more gimmicks. It’s time for facts. It’s time to learn how to make small changes that make a big difference and ultimately put your health back in your hands.

Functional Medicine Practitioner
Mind-Body Medicine
Matty Y

Dr. Taylor's book offers an insight into the lives of doctors and the dichotomy of the practice of medicine versus the realities of life. Addressing common issues of sleep deprivation, fatigue, acne, and other common illnesses prevalent in the 21st century through anecdotal evidence and easy to digest scientific findings.

Mental Training For Athletes
Shikib Mostamand, MD

Dr. Taylor effectively captures our current zeitgeist with her enthralling book. A must read for anyone who regards their mental, physical, emotional or spiritual health. She delves into one of the most prominent areas of interest and current research - the mind-body connection.

Functional Medicine
Vanessa Shurtleff, PharmD, BCPS, MBA

I would recommend this book to all of my patients! An easy read and refreshing perspective from a physician, the author reminds us of the simple, basic lifestyle modifications that are essential to improving our health. I see “Polypharmacy” too often, unnecessarily, and this book encourages patients to MEDICATION DETOX.

Athletic Performance
The Organic Blondie

Dr. Rachel Taylor is so passionate about helping her patients and it is very apparent in her book. She is such a beautiful soul who truly wants to help her patients and her readers learn how to heal their bodies!

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